

Learning is a consistent and vibrant process which exhibits itself when a child appears to be observing the things existing around it, marking an endless genesis of life-long journey. Apparently, it takes time, effort and energy to bolster one’s learning potential through engaging in thriving activities, making efficient use of potential, enriching thoughts, and spurring curiosity. Stimulating learning desires can have huge implications for one’s cognitive development, physical growth and creative progress, making it possible to remain indulged in pursuit of novel learning horizons and ushering in several prospects of exploring new ideas. Longing for in-depth knowledge is also one of the stimuli that can bring about a turnaround in one’s perspectives towards learning as actions often are preceded by ideas.


Things get awry the moment factor of rigidity makes an ingress into the process of learning, compelling one to compromise on the core principles of learning because one tends to make blips from the much-followed rut when disruptions occur in the learning process. The smooth and seamless efforts to seek learning which can, certainly, replenish one’s personality can have the needed potential in reaching one’s possible zenith. On the other hand, distortions emerge due to environmental surroundings and natural environs, pushing one to capitulate to the repelling forces. However, the incorporation of flexibility in the planning phases of learning can play a pivotal role in eradicating the intricacies confronted by individuals during learning and avoiding the derailment of the learning track.


The persistence in developing new vistas of learning and creating fresh avenues for utilizing one’s hidden potential competencies sharpens the mental agility and enhances personal growth, assisting in the elimination of possible inhibitions on the way to learning. Having passion is sine quo non for creativity, learning new things, making curious explorations and finding out possibilities for scouring one’s capabilities. Learners need to reorient their potential skills, revitalize struggle for approaching new arenas of learning, resuscitate the passé methods of learning and rekindle their obsolete ways of thinking as the learning problems associated with the advent of cutting-edge technology can, unfortunately, outstrip the passionate traditional learning mechanisms.


Learning poverty is one of the major problems facing people in the present epoch as the prevailing social media, mesmerizing Internet fixtures and excessive availability of ineffective activities have undermined the fruitful outcomes of learning which could, otherwise, have been accrued through focused reading without any distractions. With the detachment from the books which would provide learners with useful insights, authentic facts, research-based figures and experienced experts’ opinions, the onset of Internet has taken a huge toll on the authenticity of learning resources, which, in turn, mislead people to toothless arguments and uncharted conclusions, giving rise to floodgates of information based on fabrication, dubious arguments and spurious content.


The efficient use of Internet to gain productive results remains elusive, largely owing to the excessive indulgence in despicable and nudity-promoting websites, with the vulnerable children before reaching puberty and adults, the prevalent research reveals, being excessively addicted to voyeurism. The surging hollow promises of reaching popularity and getting reputed career through social media have kept learners at bay as this is what, in the end, squanders their time, energy and effort with having no concrete dividends, making people attuned to spending most of the time scrolling over social media. Things may get complicated if the mentioned problems remain unaddressed as the burgeoning youth is not being provided with the right guidance and much-needed direction.


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